You’ve always wanted to have whiter teeth. In your mind, it would help improve the appearance of your teeth and it could also help improve your smile. A whiter smile seems like the ideal smile as far as you’re concerned. So that’s why you’re fascinated with teeth whitening.
However, there seem to be so many teeth whitening options available in the market. From the little that you’ve researched so far, it looks like there’s so much to choose from. It can be a little confusing and researching about every single one can take up too much time.

A simple guide to help you choose the best teeth whitening out there is in order. Below are some of the facts you need to know about teeth whitening. Read them first before you even consider getting it for yourself:
Teeth Whitening is Not Damaging to Teeth
One of the first things you need to know about teeth whitening is that it’s not damaging to teeth. Some believe this to be true, but it’s actually false. Sure, any kind of abuse can be damaging but this isn’t one of those cases.
If teeth whitening is properly applied then there should be no fear that it will cause damage of any kind. Follow the professional instructions and it’s guaranteed to be 100 % safe and non-damaging.
The teeth whitening process uses active ingredients. They’ll open pores and lift stains from the teeth. After every session, your teeth are going to remineralize and rehydrate naturally.
Sensitivity is Normal After Teeth Whitening
Sensitivity is quite normal after teeth whitening. The fact is that over 60 % of Americans experience sensitivity in their teeth. There are several reasons for this. It could be because of genetics, damaged teeth, or thin enamel.
Therefore, it’s not extraordinary to feel sensitivity after the teeth whitening process. The teeth experience temporary dehydration and that limits their ability to insulate the nerve against temperature changes. About 12 to 36 hours after teeth whitening, the sensitivity will be gone.
Teeth Stains Can’t be Removed Overnight
Teeth stains can’t be removed overnight. You can’t expect it to be gone after just a few hours or even a few days because no product is capable of that. There’s no whitening agent that’s able to penetrate safely into the teeth that fast.
The whitening process can take 4 days at least. On the flip side, it could last for as long as several months. Patients need to have patience since the process is removing years’ worth of stains.
Best Time for Whitening is Before Bedtime
There is actually a best time to whiten your teeth and that is just before bedtime. This is because your teeth are susceptible to restaining right after the teeth whitening process. The pores are a little more open and stains can go in more easily.
Whitening just before bed minimizes the risk for staining and it also allows your teeth to remineralize and rehydrate.
Not Everyone’s Teeth Can be Made to be Perfectly White
The truth is that not everyone’s teeth can be made to be perfectly white. After all, the natural color of your teeth is already set since you were born.
The teeth whitening process is only going to remove all of the stains that have built up over time.
The above are some of the most important facts you need to know about teeth whitening. If you feel like you need to go through the process, please contact Floss N Gloss today as they offer one of the best teeth whitening services in Bedford, TX!