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Smile Your Crooked Teeth Away With Orthodontic Treatment from Bedford’s Best

Bedford, Texas  – Crooked, crowded, or misaligned teeth can be a source of discomfort. And it can get in the way of flashing your beautiful smile all the time. Make it all go away through orthodontic treatment courtesy of the best dental clinic in Bedford, Texas – Floss and Gloss Dental!

Floss and Gloss Dental is regarded by many residents to be one of the best dental clinics in Bedford, Texas. One of the reasons for this is because they offer such a comprehensive array of dental services to the city’s residents. This is also the reason why they’re not just able to serve those who live in the city but surrounding areas as well.

bedford tx dentist

Among the comprehensive services that Floss and Gloss provide is orthodontic treatment. This type of dental treatment is meant to help improve the look and alignment of a person’s smile. So if you’re suffering from crooked, crowded, misaligned, or spaced teeth, then this treatment is designed for you. And it’s individual to the person that it’s being done to.

The sight of crooked or crowded teeth is not just aesthetically displeasing, it can also be bad for your dental health. It can make brushing and flossing hard or even impossible to accomplish. This is likely to cause plenty of dental health problems down the road. Orthodontic treatment should be able to address all of the issues before they even appear or get worse.

If you suffer from crooked or misaligned teeth, then orthodontic will be the right solution for you. You’ll be examined thoroughly to see if it’s the perfect treatment for you and your situation. So if you want to enhance your smile or be able to fully express yourself more confidently, then you should consider getting help from Bedford’s best.

About Floss and Gloss – Floss and Gloss Dental is considered to be one of the best dental clinics in Bedford, Texas. It certainly helps that they are able to offer what is perhaps the most comprehensive list of dental services in the city. The primary reason they are one of the best is that they are made up of an excellent team of dental experts.

Meet the Team:

Dr. Manish Patelis is known as the best dentist in the city of Bedford, Texas. This fact is well known to the residents of the city and especially those who require and have undergone dental services. Dr. Patel is not just known for his outstanding abilities as a dentist, but also his genuine kindness and compassion for people. He exhibits a sincere concern that people are able to recognize almost immediately.

Dr. Nilam Patel is a leading dentist in her own right and is a major reason why Floss and Gloss is number one. She is especially fond of working with children, although she is exceptional and enjoys every kind of dental work. Floss and Gloss Dental is well known for their children’s dental care and Dr. Nilam Patel is the major reason for that.

If you feel like your dental health needs to be checked or if there is any problem that needs to be addressed, simply call them to schedule an appointment. You can then enjoy the benefits of having the best dental care services in Bedford take care of your dental health needs.

Smile More Confidently Than Ever Before Courtesy of the Best Dentist in Bedford

Bedford, Texas – Smile more beautifully and more confidently than ever before with the help of the best dentist in Bedford, Texas! Indeed, Dr. Manish Patel more than lives up to his stellar reputation. And with the help of his expert team, they provide next-level oral health care for residents of the city and beyond!

Bedford Tx Dentist

Your smile is one of the best assets that you have. It helps you connect with others around you and gives out positive energy throughout. And when you are confident, you’re capable of giving the best and most sincere smile possible. It should be natural but sometimes, you’ll need the help of an expert to be able to achieve that level of a natural smile.

Dr. Manish Patel, who has a reputation for being the best dentist in the city of Bedford, Texas. Dr. Patel did not get his tremendous reputation by accident. He gained it through his excellence in providing unparalleled dental care that’s certainly a cut above what other dental clinics in the city provide. What truly sets him apart is the genuine care and concern that he displays for each patient.

Floss and Gloss Dental offer what is perhaps the most comprehensive dental services in the city. Ut ranges from major dental procedures that fall under what’s known as dental emergencies, to simple check-ups and examinations. The following are the specific services that Bedford residents can get when they visit the office:

  • General and Family Dentistry
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Implant Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • Orthodontics

One of the main focuses of Floss and Gloss Dental is in caring for children’s dental health. It’s such a core feature of their dental health program since they believe it should be a priority from the start. It would serve as the foundation of their dental health throughout the rest of their lives. Through regular check-ups and examinations, any issues that are at their earliest stages can be detected and addressed.

About Floss and Gloss Dental – We already know the strong reputation of Dr. Manish Patel as the leading dental expert in the city of Bedford, TX. He completed his education at New York University and in 2013, he was able to complete an implant honor program.

But he is backed up by an expert and experienced staff that work with him at Floss and Gloss Dental. Foremost among these is Dr. Nilam Patel.  She is a top dentist in her own right and has contributed in a huge way to making Floss and Gloss the number one dental clinic in the city. She specializes in providing dental health care for children. She also earned her education from New York University in 2013 and graduated with honors.

Give Floss and Gloss Dental a call to set up an appointment for you and your family. You might simply want to undergo a routine check-up or it could be for a dental emergency. Whatever the reason, the main thing is for you to set up a schedule with the best dentist in the city that also treats every patient like their own family.

Entrust Your Child’s Dental Health to the Best Dentist in Bedford

Bedford, Texas – Prioritize your child’s dental health today and it will help guarantee a lifetime of smiles. But you’ll need to entrust such a sensitive matter to a true dental health specialist. And who better to entrust it to than the best dentist in the city – Dr. Manish Patel of Floss and Gloss Dental!

Floss and Gloss Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in the city of Bedford, Texas. The clinic offers what is perhaps one of the most comprehensive lists of dental services available to the residents of the city. This allows them to serve the residents as well as those from surrounding areas who have any kind of dental health needs.

Dentist in Bedford TX
Dentist in Bedford TX

One of the main services offered by Floss and Gloss Dental is children’s dentistry. They understand how important it is to prioritize the dental health and care of children. After all, it can impact their life for years to come. So they need to receive the highest quality dental care as early as possible. 

Why Choose Floss and Gloss Dental

Floss and Gloss Dental are able to provide comprehensive dental care for both children and teens of all ages. They offer what is called preventive care that will keep children’s teeth healthy. And while preventive care actually starts at home with educating children about proper brushing and flossing, making regular visits to the dentist is also a part of it.

Aside from children’s dentistry, they also have the treatment of dental emergencies as one of their main services as dentist in bedford tx. Such cases can and will occur anytime and anywhere and can be quite a painful experience. Floss and Gloss are experts in providing immediate treatment for those emergencies and caring for their patients’ dental health onwards.

About Floss and Gloss Dental

Floss and Gloss Dental is one of the top dental clinics in the city of Bedford, Texas. Their success can be attributed to their highly competent team, led by Dr. Manish Patel and Dr. Nilam Patel. 

Floss and Gloss Dental Services
  • Dental Emergencies
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Restorative Dentistry
  • General Dentistry
  • Orthodontics

Dr. Nilam Patel is regarded as the best dentist in the city of Bedford, a fact that is known to most of the city’s residents. Known not just for his outstanding dental services, but also for his compassion and kindness for people. His patients can immediately see that Dr. Patel has a genuine concern for them. And that just makes the experience a very good one regardless of the reason for their visit to the clinic.

Dr. Milash Patel is also a top dentist and a major part of what makes Floss and Gloss Dental a top Dentist Bedford TX. She is capable and enjoys every type of dental work although she truly loves providing dental care to children. She is the reason why the children’s dental care of the clinic is one of the best, if not the best, in the city and surrounding areas.

Schedule an appointment with Floss and Gloss Dental to enjoy and experience the best dental care services not just in Bedford but surrounding cities as well. Simply request an appointment through their website or call their office to set-up a schedule that best suits you.

How Can Poor Oral Health Affect the Rest of the Body?


Oral health is extremely important for many reasons. If patients suffer from gum disease, cavities, or bad breath this can cause issues with your teeth and mouth. Our mouths are a pathway for bacteria to enter the body. The bacteria are able to enter the blood stream, and this can also cause infection or inflammation in other parts of our body.

Taking good care of your teeth and mouth can keep your body healthy, and can also help avoid serious issues in the future. At Floss & Gloss in Bedford, TX, we encourage our patients to practice good oral hygiene habits at home. We also promote overall health and wellness. Our team cares about each patient, and keeping up with your oral health not only can keep your teeth and mouth feeling great, but your body feeling great also.

What Problems Can Occur From Poor Oral Health?

Respiratory Infections

If you have infected or inflamed gums that bacteria can transfer into the lungs. This can lead to respiratory infections, pneumonia, or even bronchitis.


Inflamed gums can release substances that are harmful to our brain cells. This can lead to memory loss that is a result of bacteria spreading to the nerves.

Cardiovascular Disease

If you have poor oral health you are at risk for cardiovascular disease. The bacteria from the infected gums enters the bloodstream, and can cause the arteries to build up plaque. This can put you at risk for a heart attack.

Prostate Problems

If men suffer from periodontal disease they may have prostatitis. This condition causes irritation and other prostate related problems.


Diabetics are more likely to have infected gums over those that do not have diabetes. This can make diabetes difficult to control due to unregulated blood sugar levels. Gum disease can lead to higher blood sugar levels and this can put a person at risk for developing diabetes.


Poor oral health and infertility in women are linked. If a woman suffers from gum disease this can lead to issues with infertility, and may make it difficult for a woman to conceive or have a healthy pregnancy.


Poor oral health can put patients at risk for kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, or blood cancer. In addition if patients smoke or use tobacco products this can lead to oral or throat cancers.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

People who have gum disease are more likely to have Rheumatoid Arthritis. The bacteria in our mouths can increase inflammation in the body, and this increases the risk for developing Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a health problem that affects the kidneys, heart, bones, and blood pressure. Periodontal disease can lead to kidney disease. Patients with gum disease typically have weaker immune systems, and this can make them susceptible to infection. Many patients that have poor oral health also have kidney disease, and this can lead to kidney failure if not treated.

How Can I Prevent These Health Issues?

In order to prevent serious health issues caused by bad oral health habits you must take care of your oral health. Scheduling regular dental exams in our office can help keep your teeth and gums clean, and get in front of any issues before they arise. Dr. Manish & Nilam Patel’s friendly Bedford dental team always put our patients first, and complete a thorough exam of your teeth and mouth to ensure everything is looking and feeling great. If we do have concerns, we will discuss those with you and develop a customized treatment plan to take care of any issues right away.

Tips for Good Oral Hygiene

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Avoid smoking or using any tobacco products
  • Use mouthwash that contains fluoride
  • Try and stay away from food and drinks that contain lots of sugar
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Exercise and take care of your overall health

If you take care of your oral health, you take care of your body. Good oral hygiene can help prevent problems such as gingivitis or periodontal disease, as well as prevent more serious health issues in your body.

Looking for a Family Dentist Near You?

At Floss & Gloss, we provide the highest level of dental care for patients of all ages. We welcome all new patients, and use state of the art technology to ensure our patients have an exceptional experience when visiting our office. If you are looking for a dentist near you, contact our dental office in Bedford, TX to schedule your next dental exam and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

Is it Better to Get A Dental Implant or a Bridge?

Feature Image 3 Dental Implants

When deciding on a restorative solution it is important to look at all of your options to help you decide on the best option that works for you. A common question patients face is if they should choose a dental bridge or dental implants when they are looking for a tooth replacement solution. Both are restorative solutions for missing teeth, and it is helpful to understand the differences. At Floss & Gloss Dental, we provide our patients with a thorough consultation to examine their teeth & mouth and will discuss the differences between all of the restorative options available. Our staff works closely with our patients to help choose the best dental restoration in Bedford, TX!

Jef 5634
Stop by our dental office in Bedford, TX for quality care!

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a fixed restoration that fills the gap created by one or more missing teeth. Bridges are anchored to one or more neighboring teeth also known as abutment teeth. Bridges can be supported by natural teeth or by dental implants. The false teeth are in-between and are called pontics.

How Do Dental Bridges Work?

During your first appointment at our dental office in Bedford, TX, we prepare the neighboring teeth. The preparation for a bridge involves removing part of the enamel to allow room for the crown. The crowns are placed over the neighboring teeth. Impressions of your teeth are taken to make the bridge in the lab, and temporary bridges are used while you wait for your permanent bridge.

Patients return to the office, and we remove the temporary bridge to prepare for the permanent bridge. The new bridge is installed, and we check to make sure the bridge is comfortable, and the perfect fit. Patients may have to return to our office again to ensure the bridge is working well with your bite. Once we know the bridge fits properly we will cement the bridge in place.

How Long Will Dental Bridges Last?

Dental bridges last around 10-15 years. Bridges do involve using some of your natural teeth, and this can cause your bridge to fail over time. The teeth around the bridge are still vulnerable to decay and disease which can attribute to the life of the bridge. Patients must practice good oral hygiene habits at home to keep the bridge and surrounding teeth clean. Dr. Manish Patel & Dr. Nilam Patel recommend brushing twice a day and flossing to ensure you carefully clean around both the false and natural teeth. Visiting our office regularly can help to keep your teeth clean, and your bridge looking and feeling great.

Jef 5565
Schedule at our Bedford dental practice!

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

  • Surgery is not required
  • Dental bridges tend to be less costly compared to implants
  • Jawbone density is not an issue with bridges
  • Overall the bridge procedure is less invasive compared to dental implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Implants are a permanent solution for patients that have missing, broken, or damaged teeth. They are durable, and act similar to a screw that is placed into the jawbone. The screw acts like an artificial tooth root, and provides a strong base for one or more artificial teeth. Implants require a healing period to give the implant time to fuse to the jawbone. This process allows the implant to function just like a natural tooth.

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Dental implants require multiple appointments in our dental clinic in Bedford, Texas, and the process takes a few months. The first step involves placing the implant into the patient’s jawbone. Once this is done there is a healing period where we must give the implant time to fuse to the jawbone. This process is known as osseointegration.

Part of our implant evaluation process is to determine if the patient has adequate bone in the jaw to support the implants. If needed, bone grafting can be done to give patients the bone required to provide the necessary support. Once the healing process is complete the patient returns to our office, and an abutment or connector is placed on top of the implants. This allows the crown to be secured to the implant. Custom crowns are made to match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth. Temporary crowns may be used while patients wait for the permanent crowns to be installed.

How Long Will Dental Implants Last?

Dental implants are durable and last upwards of 25 years, or a lifetime if they are cared for properly. Implants are built out of titanium, and provide patients with a permanent solution for missing teeth. Caring for dental implants is like caring for natural teeth, and Dr. Manish Patel & Dr. Nilam Patel recommend practicing good oral hygiene habits at home to keep your implants looking and feeling great.

Jef 5597
We foster a positive and friendly environment at our dental office in Bedford, TX

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

  • Dental implants are long lasting, and are a permanent restorative solution
  • Easy to care for
  • Implants function like natural teeth
  • Chewing power is restored with dental implants
  • Speech and overall appearance are improved
  • Patients can eat all the foods they normally would with implants
  • Dental Implants tend to cost more, but are a good investment because they are built to last

Looking for a Dentist to Provide Dental Implants or Dental Bridges Near You?

Choosing the best restorative option is a big decision, and our team is here to help. Our consultation process will answer all of your questions, and we will discuss what option may work best for you. We want our patients to be proud of their smile, and our team works to give patients the highest level of care. At Floss & Gloss, we welcome our patients in a comfortable and relaxing environment using state of the art technology. Creating beautiful smiles is what we do, and we take pride in giving patients a smile they can be proud of.

Jef 5608
Schedule with Dr. Manish & Nilam Patel's friendly team in Bedford, TX!

If you are interested in finding out more about your restorative options such as dental implants or dental bridges, please contact our dentists in Bedford, TX today to schedule your consultation.