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Dental Crowns: What They are and What They’re Made From

You have heard about dental crowns and know it’s a dental solution.

But that’s about as far as your knowledge of it goes. Since you still don’t need it, your knowledge of dental crowns is limited. 

You’re well aware that you need to change that fast, though. The time might be fast approaching when you’ll require it as well as other dental solutions and treatments.

dental crowns floss n gloss dental

So it’s time you learn more about what dental crowns are what it is for, exactly.

What is a Dental Crown?

It’s called a crown although it’s basically a cap that’s used to cover damaged teeth. If the tooth is suffering from a crack, chip, or when there’s not enough structure left. 

Crowns are also used for protecting, covering, and restoring the shape of your teeth. It’s particularly useful when fillings are no longer able to solve the problem. 

Why Is There a Need for a Dental Crown?

So why is there a need for a dental crown or cap in the first place?  In addition to what’s already stated above, there are other reasons why a crown or cap might be required.

  • Aside from protecting a damaged tooth, a dental crown is also used for restoring a worn-down tooth or one that’s suffered from some serious damage.
  • Another use of dental crowns is to serve as covering and support for a tooth that has a large filling. The crown is particularly useful when there isn’t much of the tooth left.
  • It would be useful if you have a dental bridge and it needs to be held properly. And it will also be used to cover a dental implant.

The Different Types of Dental Crowns Available

Dental crowns can be made from different materials. It’s not just made from a single type of material at all. Here are some of the most materials from which crowns can be made:

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel dental crowns are prefabricated and are primarily used on permanent teeth but only as a temporary measure. The crown is used for protecting the tooth or filling even though a permanent crown is going to be made from a different material.


Dental crowns that are made from porcelain fused to metal have the advantage of being made to match the color of the adjacent teeth. This is not possible from crowns made from metals. However, there is increased wearing to the opposite teeth with this type of dental crown.

All-Ceramic or All Porcelain

All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns are better when it comes to providing a better color match for the teeth. It’s also an excellent option for patients that suffer from metal allergies. 

All Resin

All-resin dental crowns are the more affordable choices for dental patients. The issue with them is that they tend to wear down over time and are more susceptible to fractures. 

Dental crowns is one of the comprehensive line-ups of dental services offered by Z Dentistry. You’ve just read a brief description of what dental crowns are and what they’re made from.

If you feel like this is the dental solution and treatment that’s best for you or if you want to be assessed by the best dentist in Bedford TX, schedule an appointment at Floss N Gloss today!

Facts You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

You’ve always wanted to have whiter teeth. In your mind, it would help improve the appearance of your teeth and it could also help improve your smile. A whiter smile seems like the ideal smile as far as you’re concerned. So that’s why you’re fascinated with teeth whitening.

However, there seem to be so many teeth whitening options available in the market. From the little that you’ve researched so far, it looks like there’s so much to choose from. It can be a little confusing and researching about every single one can take up too much time.

teeth whitening bedford tx

A simple guide to help you choose the best teeth whitening out there is in order. Below are some of the facts you need to know about teeth whitening. Read them first before you even consider getting it for yourself:

Teeth Whitening is Not Damaging to Teeth

One of the first things you need to know about teeth whitening is that it’s not damaging to teeth. Some believe this to be true, but it’s actually false. Sure, any kind of abuse can be damaging but this isn’t one of those cases.

If teeth whitening is properly applied then there should be no fear that it will cause damage of any kind. Follow the professional instructions and it’s guaranteed to be 100 % safe and non-damaging. 

The teeth whitening process uses active ingredients. They’ll open pores and lift stains from the teeth. After every session, your teeth are going to remineralize and rehydrate naturally.

Sensitivity is Normal After Teeth Whitening

Sensitivity is quite normal after teeth whitening. The fact is that over 60 % of Americans experience sensitivity in their teeth. There are several reasons for this. It could be because of genetics, damaged teeth, or thin enamel.

Therefore, it’s not extraordinary to feel sensitivity after the teeth whitening process. The teeth experience temporary dehydration and that limits their ability to insulate the nerve against temperature changes. About 12 to 36 hours after teeth whitening, the sensitivity will be gone.

Teeth Stains Can’t be Removed Overnight

Teeth stains can’t be removed overnight. You can’t expect it to be gone after just a few hours or even a few days because no product is capable of that. There’s no whitening agent that’s able to penetrate safely into the teeth that fast.

The whitening process can take 4 days at least. On the flip side, it could last for as long as several months. Patients need to have patience since the process is removing years’ worth of stains.

Best Time for Whitening is Before Bedtime

There is actually a best time to whiten your teeth and that is just before bedtime. This is because your teeth are susceptible to restaining right after the teeth whitening process. The pores are a little more open and stains can go in more easily.

Whitening just before bed minimizes the risk for staining and it also allows your teeth to remineralize and rehydrate. 

Not Everyone’s Teeth Can be Made to be Perfectly White

The truth is that not everyone’s teeth can be made to be perfectly white. After all, the natural color of your teeth is already set since you were born. 

The teeth whitening process is only going to remove all of the stains that have built up over time.

The above are some of the most important facts you need to know about teeth whitening. If you feel like you need to go through the process, please contact Floss N Gloss today as they offer one of the best teeth whitening services in Bedford, TX!

Trust Only the Best Dentist in Bedford, TX to Handle Your Dental Emergencies – Floss and Gloss Dental!

Bedford, Texas – A dental emergency isn’t going to give you the luxury of a  warning. It will strike at any time and any place and leave you hurting and almost helpless. And even the best oral care isn’t a guarantee that it’s not going to affect you. So if a dental emergency is so serious, then you should only let the best dentist handle it. And if you’re from Bedford, Texas that’s none other than Floss and Gloss Dental!

dentist bedfotd tx

Floss and Gloss Dental is considered to be one of the leading dental clinics in Bedford, Texas. Their dedication to helping all of their patients achieve a better smile is one of the reasons why they’re one of the best. The fact that they offer one of the most comprehensive lists of dental services is another. Then there’s also their customer care which is reflected in the exceptional way that they treat their patients.

The very nature of dental emergencies means that they should be taken seriously and treated immediately. It can cause more than just discomfort but potentially lasting dental health damage. The problems that can result from it could plague you for the rest of your life if it’s not addressed right away and in the right way. 

There are several types of dental emergencies. Floss and Gloss Dental have seen it all and they’re capable of treating both major and minor dental emergencies. The following are some of the most common dental emergencies that the clinic sees and treats on a regular basis:

  • Pain and Severe Toothache
  • Infections and Abscessing
  • Broken or Cracked Teeth
  • Loose, Broken, or Lost Restorations (Fillings, Crowns, etc.)
  • Orthodontic-related Emergencies
  • Lost or Broken Prosthetic Appliances (Dentures, Partials)

About Floss and Gloss Dental – Floss and Gloss Dental is one of the leading dental clinics in Bedford, Texas. They achieved that distinction through the efforts of their highly skilled and experienced staff. The clinic’s team is led by Dr. Manish Patel, who is known as the best dentist in the city. To get a good idea of how they earned the trust of their patients, it’s important to meet the members of the team:

Dr. Manish Patel, DDS

Dr. Manish Patel is known as much for his kindness and compassion as he is known for his abilities as a dentist. It’s his innate ability to connect with his patients that is perhaps why he is generally considered to be Bedford’s best dentist. He always tries to go out of his way to genuinely know his patients and understand their specific needs. Getting to know them better allows him to treat them better.

Dr. Nilam Patel, DDS

Dr. Nilam Patel also contributes much to the success that Floss and Gloss Dental has attained. She is also very accomplished and skilled in all aspects of dental work. However, what she enjoys the most is working with children and helping them with their dental health needs. Dr. Patel aims to provide the best dental care in their community. Along with that is the desire to also grow with the community.

To start enjoying the excellent dental services of Floss and Gloss Dental – with dental emergencies at the top – contact them now to schedule your appointment.